Here is a simple idea to help you to extract money from your business, using pension legislation. If you can prove it makes no sense I will donate €10 to Dublin’s Simon Community! I am presuming you are 45, male/female (doesn’t matter either way) and own a...
Here is a brief summary of what we specialise in: Reviewing existing Life and Illness Policies that people may have accumulated over the years, seeing what still makes sense, what can be improved on and, in many cases, if clients can...
Take Care of (Your) Business Most small businesses today are fighting to survive in a difficult economic climate. In addition to this many rely on 1 or 2 key people to keep things running smoothly. This situation gives rise to a number of important questions: Could...
Money under the mattress? In the Ireland of today many people have accumulated large sums of cash in deposit accounts. This is fine for some if they need access to the funds and require security over growth. However for many others the prospect of leaving their hard...
If you were ill and unable to work Our most important asset is our ability to work, create income and to provide for our family and ourselves. But what would happen if you were unable to work due to accident or illness? How long would your employer continue to pay...
Retiring and Having Fun Most of us will stop working one day; at least we will stop working at the same hectic pace as today. And what will we do when we are not working as much as we are now? Chances are we will spend money. At O’Sullivan Financial Solutions l...