Life Assurance

Protection When Most Needed

Recent Claims

Our clients need us most at very difficult times. Here are some recent examples. (Please note that names have been changed to protect client privacy).

Joe, male age 52. Life Cover of €100,000 paid out under Terminal Illness Benefit.

Comment: Prepayment of Life Cover helped Joe to get the best medical attention and maintain his standard of living as he battled a terminal illness.

Philip, male age 63. Serious Illness of €20,000.

Comment: Philip is recovering from Cancer and his outlook is good. Payment of his Serious Illness benefit greatly reduced financial pressure when Philip was ill.

Gerry, Male age 53. Partial Serious Illness Benefit of €5,000.

Comment: Gerry had a health scare but is now back at work. Although he didn’t suffer a heart attack, he found the partial payment of his cover very useful.

Louise, Female age 42. Income Protection Payment of €22,000 per annum.

Comment: Louise was out of work due to a stress related illness. Her income protection gave her a steady income as she sought the medical attention she needed. Louise is now back at work.

Anthony, Male 53. Mortgage Protection Cover of €178,000.

Comment: Anthony was the main wage earner for his family and sadly passed away after battling a long illness. His wife now lives in the family home without the worry of mortgage payments.


  • Claim Payments in line with policy conditions
  • Medical Underwriting required prior to initiating cover.




How much Life Assurance do I Need?



Looking after your Family

We all need to protect our families in the event of death because bereavement brings not only emotional stress, it brings financial uncertainty and for many financial pressure.

Life Assurance cover provides vital cash at the most difficult time imaginable.



  • Many people do not know how much Life Assurance Cover they actually need.
  • Others have policies they don’t understand.
  • And some wonder are they paying too much for cover they do have in place.

With a review of your protection needs from O’Sullivan Financial you can:

  • Assess how much cover (if any) you require.
  • Review Policies you have and see are they value for money.
  • Be certain that you are protecting those who rely on you most.